Speakers - 2022
Professor Tony Whetton is currently the Director of the Stoller Biomarker Discovery Centre.
He also has a programme of Leukaemia research based at the Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, Christie Hospital. He obtained a PhD in signal transduction research and biophysical chemistry then moved into Haematology research. He then took up a post at UMIST to became a Professor of Cell Biology. He joined the School of Medicine at the University of Manchester as Professor of Cancer Cell Biology. Here he established a state of the art biological MS facility for Stem Cell and Leukaemia research. He has expanded his remit to include a clinical proteomics research capability, to discover new biomarkers associated with cancers useing proteomics and informatics to define disease mechanisms and identify biomarkers.
Dr. Yost is the University Professor and Head of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Florida.
He also directs the Southeast Center for Integrated Metabolomics (SECIM) and NIH’s National Metabolomics Consortium Coordinating Center. He is a leader in the field of analytical chemistry and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).
His research has been recognized with the ASMS Award for Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry, the MSACL Award for Distinguished Contribution to Clinical Mass Spectrometry, the Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award, and the Florida Academy of Sciences Medal. He currently serves as Past President of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS).
Keynote Speaker

Prof. Joanna McGouran
Schuler Assistant Professor
Trinity College Dublin
Prof. Joanna McGouran is currently the Schuler Assistant Professor in Translational Organic Chemistry in TCD. Prior to her appointment Joanna obtained her degree and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Oxford. She developed an interest in proteomics while working as a PDRF with Prof. Benedikt Kessler, in the department of Medicine at Oxford. Research in her group focuses on bio-molecule modification to create new tools to study biological systems with a specific focus on deubiquitinating enzymes and DNA damage repair. The group uses mass spectrometry to study endogenous enzyme activity using activity-based protein profiling techniques.

Dr. Eileen Ryan
APEX Fellow at APC Microbiome Institute
Dr Ryan investigates the metabolic etiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) via lipidome, metabolome and microbiome multivariate analyses (IBD-ome). In 2018, under the guidance of Dr. Susan Joyce, Eileen was awarded an APEX fellowship aimed at invesigating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) via lipidome, metabolome and microbiome analyses (IBD-ome). Most recently, Eileen was awarded a prestigious MSCA fellowship focused on examining the role of microbial Oxylipins in the MIcrobiome:hosT dialogue (OMIT) ained at improving the molecular understanding of how microbe-host interactions influence human health.

Dr. Jonathen Bones
Principal Investogator
Dr. Bones obtained his BSc in Analytical Science (Chemistry) and PhD in Analytical Chemistry from DCU. Currently working as a PI in NIBRT, Jonathan has previously worked in Northeastern University in Boston, USA. His research activities have been internationally recognised being in the top 100 most influential scientists in the field of biopharmaceutical manufacturing and analysis.

Prof. Lorraine Brennan
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Lorraine Brennan (UCD) leads a research team at the forefront of nutrition and metabolomics research. She is involved in a number of European consortia such as FoodBall and SusFood. Prof. Brennan was a member of the EU Food2030 expert group and is currently Editor in Chief of Nutrition and Metabolism and Associate Editor for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. She has published over 170 research articles and has an active Outreach programme engaging with the local community regarding Food and Nutrition.

David Mannion
Food Quality and Sensory Science Department, Teagasc
Main research interests are related to instrumentation and analytical method development, particularly in relation to flavour in food and beverages, fatty acid profiling and lipid oxidation. Key interests involve identification of aroma compounds involved in sensory perception, measuring of fatty acids for product quality and flavour impact, identification of biomarkers responsible for food authentication and traceability, effect of lipid oxidation on product stability, particularly in dairy products.

Dr. Martin De Cecco
R&D Manager
Merck Life Science
Glasgow, UK
Martin De Cecco is the Development Services Manager for Product Characterisation at Merck KGaA. He leads a global team working on the development, implementation and commercialisation of new contract testing services. He has over 10 years’ experience developing methods for the characterisation of biopharmaceuticals, having worked in the CRO industry and previously at a leading LC-MS vendor. He holds a PhD in Biophysical Chemistry and an MSci degree in Forensic & Analytical Chemistry.

Dr. Jimmy Muldoon
Senior Technical Officer
School of Chemistry
Dr. Jimmy Muldoon completed his Ph.D. with Prof. Angela Savage in NUI Galway and subsequently worked in Quality Control in industry. Jimmy was hired by the Centre for Synthesis and Chemical Biology in UCD in 2005 and was initially responsible for commissioning and operating a 500MHz/600MHz NMR facility. Jimmy moved to Toronto in 2012 and to Middlesbrough in 2015 for family reasons, and returned to UCD School of Chemistry in 2016, taking up duties in the Mass Spectrometry lab. Jimmy was responsible for the local tendering process and commissioning of the new CMAP Mass Spectrometry suite in the School of Chemistry and currently manages the lab.

Patrick English
Executive Analytical Chemist
Public Analyst's Laboratory
The Public Analyst Laboratory is a modern food safety facility which plays its full part in ensuring that, with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, the Environmental Health Service and other agencies, the food available for the Irish consumer is safe and wholesome. It is an Official Food Control laboratory within the HSE and is the National Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials, Process Contaminants and for Mycotoxins and Plant Toxins in food. Patrick English received his B.Sc. from UCD and his M.Sc. from APU (now ARU Cambridge) and has been a member of the PAL since 1997. He is currently the Officer in Charge of the LC-MS Department.

Dr. Giorgio Oliviero
Research Fellow
School of Medicine
Research Fellow and Young Group Leader at UCD School of Medicine where my current research and teaching focus on Proteomics and Network Analysis using state of the art MS instruments. I am an enthusiastic "Omics" scientist with ten years experience in top mass spectrometry labs in Ireland and Denmark. I have acquired strong analytical and laboratory management skills with a focus on optimising workflow efficiency and maximising quality research. This includes the analysis of organic and inorganic analytes across several fields including Systems Biology, Cancer, Epigenetics, and Biotherapeutic/Biopharma studies.