About the IMSS
What is the IMSS?
The Irish Mass Spectrometry Society, IMSS, is a voluntary society with the aim of providing a forum for practitioners of Mass Spectrometry in Ireland. The Society is run by a committee elected every two years and aims to hold one full-day scientific meeting in May each year.
The first meeting of Irish mass spectrometry users was in 1987 when a very successful meeting was held on May 28th in UCD, Belfield. In September 1993, an MS users group was set up. An inaugural meeting was held in May 1994, a Society was formed and a committee put in place. The name "The Irish Mass Spectrometry Society" was adopted at the 1996 AGM.
The Society was re-activated in 2007 following a few years of dormancy after the AGM of 2003. The Society is an Institutional Affiliate of the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (IMSF), organisers of the biennial IMSSc meeting.
IMSS 2024
One Day of Mass Spectrometry Talks
UCD O'Brien Science Centre
Date: 15.05.2024
08:00am - 17:00
The Irish Mass Spectrometry Society (IMSS) is a voluntary society with the aim of providing a forum for practitioners of Mass Spectrometry in Ireland. The Society is run by a diverse committee with backgrounds in industry, academia, forensics and food testing. The 2024 conference is a face-to-face meeting. We look forward to meeting you all in person.
Important Dates:
Registration deadline: 01.05.24
Student/Post-doc poster submissions: 01.05.24

Annual Conference
Wednesday 15th of May 2024
08:30 - 09:20 Registration and Tea/Coffee
09:20 - 09:30 Opening comments – Dr. John Bradley, IMSS Chair 2024.
09:30 - 10.20 Keynote Speaker – Prof. Simona Francese, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. "Fingerprints: from catching criminals to catching cancer".
10:20 - 10:40 Break/Networking with sponsors/stands and posters.
10:40 - 11:10 Waters Sponsored Talk – Dr. Argyris Politis, Cyclic Ion mobility HDX-MS for Membrane Proteins. Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. The University of Manchester .
11:10 - 11:25 Student Talk 01 - Mr. Padraig Maher, St James’ Hospital Dublin. Vitamin D Analysis using LC-QQQ Mass Spectrometry.
11:25 - 11:55 Ms Mairead Webster - The State Laboratory: An agile and modern approach to post-mortem toxicology screening.
11:55 - 12:10 Student Talk 02 - Ms Swathine Chandrasekar, Institute of Global Food Security, QUB. Quantitative Analysis of Queuosine Metabolites in Human Diet: Adult and Infant Food Profiles.
12:10 - 12:40 Prof. Sean Doyle - NUI Maynooth: A Combined Pathfinder and Quantitative Proteomic Strategy for Overcoming Antimicrobial Resistance?
12:40 - 13:10 Agilent Sponsored Talk - Prof. Fiona Regan: Exploring the occurrence of PFAS in aquatic environmental matrices using LC/MS technologies.
13:10 - 14:10 Lunch and networking with sponsors/stands and posters
14:10 - 14:25 Student Talk 03 - Mrs Kathryn Yeow, UCD School of Chemistry. Biocatalytic Cascades for the Synthesis of Therapeutic Iminosugars from Monosaccharides
14:25 - 14:55 Dr. Angela McArdle: Pursuing Post Translational Modifications in Pre-clinical Proteomics.
14:55 - 15:25 Prof. Kieran Kilcawley - Teagasc: Advanced Two-dimensional profiling of volatile congeners in Irish Whiskey by GCxGC-TOFMS.
15:25 - 15:55 Sciex Sponsored Talk: Dr. Harry Whitwell, Imperial College London - Data Acquisition to Synolitic Network Analysis.
15:55 - 16:25 Thermo Sponsored Talk - Host cell protein (HCP) profiling and quantitation in biopharmaceutical products on Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral MS.
16:25 - 16:35 Ms Emily Butler - Experience of the IMSSc in 2023
16:35 - 16:50 Bursary Winners/ Presentation of Certificates.
17:00 - 20:00 Meeting Close – after meeting Drinks/Networking at the Ceadar/Cypress
Suite UCD President's Club.
Sponsors - 2023
Thank you to all our sponsors for helping us deliver this conference online. Selected Mass Spectrometry manufacturers are available for a Q&A session as part of this event. Don't miss your chance to talk to the experts.